If you’re planning to visit Washington, DC, make sure to add these iconic must-see sites to your list! These are some of the best things that you can do in DC that you can’t experience anywhere else in the world.
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~Resources from this video~
How to tour the Capitol – https://youtu.be/_q888aWAEJ8
Famous DC foods – https://youtu.be/1Ilrgu0M0pg
Busting DC myths – https://youtu.be/CR8RyWcs37Y
DC neighborhoods podcast episode – https://www.triphacksdc.com/podcast42
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~Video Chapters~
0:00 Iconic Washington DC experiences
0:48 National monuments and memorials
1:53 U.S. Capitol Tour
2:28 Smithsonian museums
3:23 Explore DC neighborhoods
4:11 Eat a DC food
4:34 Enjoy a Washington DC view
5:33 See the cherry blossoms
5:59 Ride DC Metro
I highly recommend watching Congress in session. I went to DC a few weeks back and picked up a House and Senate pass at my Senators office and it was great. I really enjoyed it.
Number one thing you must do: book a guided tour with Rob! This is my first visit to DC and Rob is my first guided tour. What an awesome experience!!
Nice list! I've done everything on this list except for trying one of the local iconic foods.
We are bringing a group of 15 ( mostly children) to DC in November. We are interested in a night tour of the monuments. Any advice is appreciated.
Fun tib but, there’s actually a hidden joke in the Jefferson memorial
I've been enjoying several of your videos in preparation for an upcoming trip to DC. What are your best tips for helping someone with mobility issues? How wheelchair accesible is the metro? Thanks!
I have wanted to go to the holocaust Museum for 20 years. Five years ago I was set to go to Washington DC but I couldn’t. My legs got hurt. I started watching you when I was set to go to DC. I still have not made the journey to DC. Have you done a video on the different museums around DC? If you have, can you please link it? If not, I would love to see you do something like that.
Coming to Dc Monday night but wondering with the smoke from Canada should we cancel?
Do you have tours in spanish or know about one? We are visiting DC next november and my housband doesnt speak english.
Bob, thanks for tour tips! I would like to ask you what s the best souvenirs stores you recommend? I liked the store inside Air and Space Museum, but I couldn't find another good store. Outside, the stuff looks bad quality. Is there a way you can tell me the best affordable stores? I will be there in a few months again. Thank you!
Is September a good month to visit DC?
Hello, do I have to make reservation before go for each museum that I will visit it or just Can I go and entry ?
The metro has the most comfortable seats of any rapid transit line I’ve ever been on.
Hi Rob, I am here at the moment and we went to the air and space Museum today and the White House information Centre. It was amazing. Took longer than expected in the air and space Museum. We were there for four hours. We also had a chance to catch the metro to Dupont Circle for dinner. Your videos have been very helpful.
4:15 that would be Old Ebbit Grille. My personal favorite
On my trip to DC earlier this month, I visited the Lincoln Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, the Washington Monument, the World War 2 memorial, the American History museum and The White House. I also went on the metro.
On my next visit, I need to visit the Capitol building and the Jefferson Memorial. Those were the only two things I didn't get to see up close
Rob, suggestion: how about puttering together a pvt tour of places off the “beaten path”. Places of interest seldom experienced by tourists