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60 Second City: Boston, Massachusetts!

A quick look at Massachusetts’s largest city: Boston!

New 60 second city premieres every Thursday right here!

#shorts #Massachusetts #Boston #UnitedStates #geography #cities #60secondcities

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  1. Potential for this series to be really informative especially for younger people but for a series that is supposed to be 60 seconds, it takes a long time to actually get into the information.

    Also – Foxboro is not “well outside the Boston metro area” … it’s a 20 min car ride from Downtown. Granted it feels like the middle of nowhere cause it’s a very small quiet town while most of the Boston area is very dense (even most suburbs) but in actuality Foxboro is pretty close to Boston

  2. I’ve lived all over the country and Boston is my favorite city. I love it so much I moved here 5 years ago and feel honored and grateful every day to call this place and all of its beauty home! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Here's a list of counties in Massachusetts 🌟:
    – Barnstable
    – Berkshire
    – Bristol
    – Dukes
    – Essex
    – Franklin
    – Hampden
    – Hampshire
    – Middlesex
    – Nantucket
    – Norfolk
    – Plymouth
    – Suffolk
    – Worcester

  4. Birthplace of the nation, the state has the most developed society and economy in the country (and 2nd highest IN THE WORLD) according to HDI. Its also the most educated state, largely immune to nature disasters save blizards and the occasional errant hurricane/tropical storm, nor is it engulfed by crime and/or riots/inssurection from either party. Boston, the last truly normal major city in the union, boasting effective (by american standards) public transit, as well as bueatiful coastline, forests and mountains all "nearby". Boston, by far the best (and most european) the US has to offer in terms of major cities – A Slavic-American

  5. i think combined statistical areas are a more appropriate measurement of an overall regional population. Especially when you look at just how culturally similar Worcester is to Boston, and take into account that Worcester is only a 40 minute drive from Boston, and its still extremely densely populated in all the towns between the 2. if we look at combined statistical area, Boston has the 7th largest population in the country, just behind Dallas-Fort Worth, and with over a million more people than Philadelphia, Atlanta and Miami

  6. Bostons massive population is not as well known as it should be because of the tiny 50 square mile city limits. if you were to count all the towns and cities directly around boston, to make the land area the same as Houston (650 square miles) then it would have a much larger population.

  7. You have to sell your body every day for 30 days to aford 1/4 of your monthly rent Boston will always be home, but I can't afford it no one in my family can South Carolina is cool but the vibe is all wrong the accent is all wrong and for a southern state you're gonna that charm that you feel from yelling back at a dude who casually says oh you're one of them when he learns your last name is Herzog

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