
25 MISTAKES Tourists Make When Visiting Chicago USA

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  1. Just noticed that Luis Gusto and his girlfriend made a cameo appearance in a YouTube channel called Weird History Food and the title of the video is: Every Style of Hot Dog We Could Find Across the US…👍

  2. Cant wait to visit someday and see if this is the city i want to make my home. Also thanks for the shoutout about vegan dogs! Glad to hear theres lots of options.

  3. After the Cubs game ⚾, I walked through Northalsted and Lake View East. I have been to Devon Ave a few times. I went to Little Italy scarfuri & ferrera.

  4. Love your channel Luis👍coming to Chicago from London next February 2024 for our 20th Anniversary. Your channel sealed it thank-you. All the best to you and yours Gene🇬🇧

  5. I’ve just subscribed. This channel has best content about Chicago than anyone. Quick informative, really clear, doesn’t drag on. Great Chanel 👍 I’m coming to Chicago in July for my 40th birthday…can’t wait!! 😎 first time and this Chanel has really helped! 👍

  6. I'm travelling to Chicago for the first time next week (well technically the second time, but the first time I never left Union Station) and I am glad I found your videos! I was a bit intimidated about getting out and exploring the city but you've put me a lot more at ease with your content!

  7. Will be in the Chi for the first time next Thursday… as a New Yorker not much gets me hype… but Chicago has always been on my bucket list… huge Jordan Bulls fan and Kanye… going to the Cubs game… gonna eat everything I can too. Watched a few of your vids brother, good looks on the info, ideas and suggestions 🙏🏼

  8. You nailed it with this video. Well done! These are things everyone traveling to the area needs to keep in mind including myself. I hope that so many people can visit Chicago several times because it takes quite a few visits to take it all in. Great tips here! And I agree your channel is the best, I know more people will find your videos resourceful 😀👍

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