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The DONTS of Visiting Boston

Visiting Boston and Wondering What You Shouldn’t Do When You Go to Boston? Here we cover the don’ts of Boston. From tourism tips and eating out misteps to overrated locations.

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  1. Amazing what the Gulf Stream atlantic current does for old England. London is 9.15° further N, and yet a fifth of that snow for a twentieth of the time would be major news.

  2. Was just there and the Fenway Park tour guide must be the only one to encourage everybody to speak how the locals speak with the accent because she made us say it repeatedly. Anyway, other places I didn’t really notice it. Now on the other hand, I asked a local where to get something and she was full thick Irish… which I hear there are a lot there.

  3. Yeah.
    Haahdly at awhl dood.
    The reason we rarely encounter the Boston Accent or Brogue (as it would be called) is that A- more and more outsiders (outs-eye-diz) who have moved in frum somewhere else ahh comininan ruininit, and B- the old timers who used to REALLY talk like that are goin fast.
    Much of our American Culture is made up of regional styles and dialects. Old time movies that would spread legend of the American Dream worldwide would be chock full of all kinds of different American speaking styles from Humprey Bogart to Roy Rodgers and Judy Garland.
    A treasure trove of cultural difference, on display in the verbal technique of a homespun drawl. These days a more homogenized, universally acceptable manor is what is practiced.
    Kind of a national nondescript vanilla.
    Thus encouraging an adaptation away from neighborhoody sounding vernacular.
    And thats why.

  4. Born and raised here and can't stand what has happened to our city. I would give my left 🥜 for the 90s early 2000s to come back. Gentrification has driven housing prices up to ridiculous amounts. The new residents do not care to assimililate they took over. Most people your going to meet in Boston aren't originally from here. It was an awesome city once upon a time now its all condos, bikes, targets and rude people. Boston people are not rude we bust ⚾️ but it is in all good fun. Like anywhere else you have your good and your bad. Always love my city never leaving it just wish people I knew never left the inner city for the burbs. The burbs are where your going to find most of your original Bostonians. Most cant afford to live in the city anymore. Boston residents have been pushed out by ridiculous rent and home prices today. Your still going to bump into people who are nice from here. Today most Bostonians live on the outskirts of the city. Luckily im still here, and I welcome tourists and new comers but just try and listen to how things were and should be done when here. Its a great city rich in history. Of course Boston sports is where its at. The Bs and Celts are in the second round of playoffs 2024 which is great. Come enjoy and dont be afraid to get lost. Although it is a small city Boston is very dense so much to see historically. Great food everywhere but of course North End is where you go for great Italian food. You go around TD Garden during a game for some drinks any of the pubs around there your gonna have a good time. Walk the Charles River Bike it what ever it is beautiful year round. The spring summer time you can't go wrong. Gets real humid and sticky come august late august. Jan Feb March are your coldest months. Walking is the best way to enjoy a city your visiting. I went on long enough ty for sharing and enjoy Boston people.

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