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New York

15 Best Places to Visit in New York 2022 – New York Travel Guide 2022

15 Best Places to Visit in New York 2022 – New York Travel Guide 2022


New York, one of the world’s finest cities, is constantly a frenzy of activity, with famous sights around every corner and seldom enough time to see them all. Some tourists come to see the Broadway performances; others come to shop and eat; and still more come to view the sights, such as the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, historic districts, and countless world-renowned museums.

Many of the top spots to see in New York are within walking distance of one another or are only a short train journey away, making touring in this city a breeze.

The High Line and One World Observatory, two newer tourist attractions in New York that opened in recent years, provide distinctive viewpoints of the city. There is always something to see and do in New York, no matter what time of year it is or what time of day or night it is.

Even if the city doesn’t have its normal high-energy vibe this year, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. The city has become a different place as a result of the lower number of tourists, making it less expensive to explore and easier to visit, with shorter lines at popular attractions. You might want to take advantage of having the city to yourself. Our guide to New York’s major attractions will help you plan your vacation.

15 Best Places to visit in Newyork 2022

Time square
One World Observatory
High Line
Central Park
Statue of Liberty
Rockefeller Center
Empire State Building
9 11 Memorial and Museum
Brooklyn Bridge
Fifth Avenue
Grand Central Terminal
Wall Street
Radio City Music Hall
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Bryant Park

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  1. Great video! However looks like you have One Word Observatory mixed with videos from Summit One Vanderbilt Observation Deck. If you go to One Word Observatory, you won't get those things as you see on the video. This might be a bit misleading

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