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We Ate The Most Iconic Foods In Boston On A $50 Budget

How far can your dollar go in Boston? Taryn Varricchio tries as many of the city’s iconic foods as possible on a $50 budget. From a lobster roll at Quincy market to a cannoli from Mike’s Bakery to a hotdog at Fenway Park, Taryn tastes all of Boston’s most popular foods.

The Best Cannoli In Boston | Best Of The Best

Why Bova’s Bakery Makes The Best Cannoli In Boston | Legendary Eats

The Best Clam Chowder In Boston | Best Of The Best

Why Atlantic Fish Co. Has The Best Clam Chowder In Boston | Legendary Eats


#Boston #Budget #FoodInsider

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We Ate The Most Iconic Foods In Boston On A $50 Budget

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  1. How would I spend my money in Boston? Not at Mike's Pastry. Modern all the way!! Try James Hook Lobster for one helluva lobster role. They're on Atlantic Ave at the corner of Seaport Blvd.

  2. I have been to Boston the last years and my sister’s and I are planning on going in a couple of weeks. If you know you’re going somewhere where the food may cost more, save. To me, I want to eat foods or go to restaurants, I don’t have back home. I want to try something new!!!

  3. I know this is 4 years old, but to be fair… the food isn't the most expensive part of Boston. Parking is gonna cost you more than fine dining, and forget about cheap admission to anything… everything from museums to library's are going to charge admissions. $50 for food would be much better spent at chinatown restaurants, rather than the overpriced-lackluster food of Quincy market (a tourist trap). And finishing off the video with a $10 beer? smdh

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