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The Ultimate East Coast Road Trip USA Itinerary

This Ultimate East Coast Road Trip Itinerary will give you a full run down on everything to visit during a 17 day USA road trip. We cover the New England states during Fall Foliage, but this itinerary also works for other times of the year as well. I have packed so much information and videos in here to help you have an amazing road trip.

#fallfoliage #usaroadtrip #newenglandroadtrip

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  1. We were lucky enough to tour the New England States in October 2016, and I do mean lucky, and as good as a lot of these videos are , the real thing is breath taking. We've managed to do 12 different states, and I know we've only visited the tourist parts, but found everyone of then fantastic.

  2. Yeah I feel like rarely anyone from West Coast wants to plan a East Coast Road Trip or East Coast Trip, the max they’d mostly ever plan is NYC, Niagara Falls, and DC! Possibly Florida too!

  3. I've head I'm making a mistake but I'm enlisting in the army for infantry and I'm wanting to make it a career and on the contract I've requested the Infamous fort drum which is about a hour north of Syracuse New York, I'm from Florida and I've heard it can get very cold there.
    Definitely gonna check these locations out

  4. Im from Boston and just got a new car with low miles and I’m going to start to explore th3 u.s. starting fromBoston and I’m going to hit Vermont 1st, can’t wait for the amazing scenery and people I meet on my journey.


  5. This was OK. Maybe kind of good. How can you go to Providence and not eat Italian food? Yes, it is even better than Chicago. Additionally, you claim Portland is great, but you did not show much. For instance, they have a ferry system that takes you out to several magical islands. I guess you never got on the ferry. What about the Old Port? I like the fact you focused on hiking, but clearly, you know nothing about food or history. You should read some books before you go? Your goonie friend with the hat turned back is a real turn off. Lost in the 1990s. However, I think if you had a better way to organize your video, and you slowed down your narrative, I could give you an A instead of a B. You are likable, which is very important. You need practice, and direction, and ditch some of your slacker friends, or at least introduce them.

  6. You're so right in that even with almost 3 weeks, you barely scratched the surface of what to do, where to do it, etc. I'm lucky enough to have grown up around Boston and explored quite a bit of New England. Good recommendations on hikes and places to eat! I've done a lot of them myself. Monadnock has some "easier" trails to get to the top, different side of the mountain. When I was in college, my PE teacher put together an "extra credit" afternoon hike of Monadnock…I'd have done it anyways, cool mountain. Even better I got my grade improved by just walking up/down a mountain.

  7. As someone thats never been US from UK, I chose New England for my US sports teams to follow (English/Irish connection). Really want to get out visit. New Hampshire looks really cool, scenic and the coasts along with Boston

  8. just a note. if you are hiking in New England, please be prepared for quick changes in the weather. Pack some warm clothes and food. People keep getting caught in unexpected bad weather and your cell phone will not always have bars to call for a rescue. Also – thanks for the great vid!

  9. Thank you for the recommendations and visuals. We are doing a siblings trip next week. Visiting all 6 states in 6 days! Lots of driving and popping in to places to site see.

  10. Recommendation, go to Wolfeboro nh. That’s where I’m from and it’s an amazing small town right on lake winni. Hike mt major in Alton nh. Great overlook of the whole lake. I did mt monadnock before going into the military and it was a clear day and I definitely couldn’t see Boston lol but maybe you can idk about that tho. If y ever go back to NE Wolfeboro is a must. I recommend any month of the summer. July is the best tho

  11. Southern NH here. Center of New England. I would say west of the Mississippi wins the beauty pageants but I like that New England is a hidden gem. I love being able to drive to 6 states and a foreign country in under 3 hours.

    And why would you ever go to Worcester?! Lmfao

  12. You were smart to make this trip before 'peak' because it is the red and orange against the green that is most agreeable to the eye. Yes 'peak' is beyond description, astounding and wonderous . . . but then you have the crowds. And those crowds are crazy demanding. If they come even a week before or after 'peak' they are grumpy and dissatisfied. Who needs that!

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