How to spend the perfect 3 day weekend in San Francisco. We’ve put together a San Francisco itinerary & guide including where to stay in San Francisco and the best way to get around the city. We’ve fallen in love with the city and have had several weekend getaways to San Francisco. After watching our video you’ll see why.
Read our 3 days in San Francisco Intinerary here
On our last trip, we ended up in San Francisco because of the Seeker Project. We were scientifically matched to the city. Using AI and your biometric responses to travel stimulations, Le Club AccorHotels developed a quiz to figure out your perfect next trip! Take the quiz now and see if you match with San Francisco, or where your next trip should be. Leave your results in the comments!
*Video in paid partnership with Accor Hotels*
Great info
Why don’t you recommend using public transport (BART/Muni etc.) instead of Uber/hop hop off bus?
Just stay out of this city! Period.
is all this smoke fog or pollution? :O
Amazing video

regards from Edmonton
sub and watching 
Hi, what month did you visit?
your shots are really nice! I love the slo-mo :O
sadly, crime is an issue here now; be cautious and bring belongings with you.
such a wonderful guide!
Great vid! We’re going in 2 weeks. I MUST know, what camera and lenses were used? Any info would be great!
Pelosi, Brown and the Rothschild families Fo`oked California!
This comment is going to get deleted, so might as well be Honest! Prove me wrong, John.
I've lived here for 11 years now, and it's unlike any place on earth <3 Also low key saw the giant Gingerbread House in the Fairmont hotel clip in the background
This seems to be a very charming place, I hope I can visit sometime in the future when all this is over. Seeing and sharing places like this is why I love traveling and make videos so much!
are drones allowed in sfo ?
Thank you for sharing your video. I will take my three days weekend soon.

fantastic video Getting Stamped. I smashed that thumbs up on your video. Always keep up the superior work.
Had the worst time here with my family. Stood in the financialdistrict n we had our 13 year old with us so we really couldn't do sh!. 10 year anniversary and we were stuck in the room by 5 o'clock because my wife thought it was to dangerous to be out after dark in that area. Waste of f!#$en time and money! Never again. Back to Vegas for every vacation and getaway for me! Can't wait to get the heck outta here n enjoy my last days of my vacation at home! Biggest disappointment ever up until this point in my entire time of getting away to have some time off esp it being on my 10 year anniversary!
Awesome video

Nice looking forward to October now have 2 days there as doing multi trip! Alcatraz n golden Lombard street is on the cards thank again from Scotland
Gotta love how he mentions the cable cars but doesn't bother to mention Muni or BART which are much more important.
Perfect idea is to turn around and drive 90 miles and camp in the sierra nevada mountains and never step foot in that SHITHOLE!
Lol lost me at helicopter tour
Very great videos, I am from San Francisco and totally agree that these places are amazing places to see in SF, thanks for sharing!
My 3 days in SF ciaooo
Amazing video
Helicopter ride under the bridge with wind and all, oh heck no.
can’t wait until september 2024
Yeah, the painted lady wasn’t where the full house people lived. That’s a misleading information because of how much they show it on the show but the true how is about 10mins walk from the painted lady
Thank Ann going again in 3 months can’t wait
SEEKER Is based in San Fran! Cool!
Thank you. I plan on visiting SF next year 2020 never been and has been on my travel list for awhile now.
What drone did you use?
I loved your video and all the attractions. I felt like you spoke a bit fast but I was able to get a lot of information down. I'm planning to visit in July, I always plan well in advance because traveling from The Bahamas is very expensive.
Great video looks like you had lots of fun. I'm flying in to San Francisco in a few days and really excited. Was that a 35mm film camera you guys were using? I'm bringing a film camera with some slide film rather than print film (I'm a bit old fashioned and still like a slide picture show) And I will bring a digital camera along as well
2019. BAJA. ID. 2:17PM
Seeker project doesn’t work? How lame
Great informative vlog on SF …you guys are a cute couple !!!
Can't wait to visit San Fransisco in December !!
Im planning on driving cross country to go to San Francisco and I’m really excited
San Francisco is the greatest city in this world. There is no doubt in it.
Thank you so much for giving my husband and I so much information for visiting San Francisco! Great video!
Why does the seeker project website say it’s trying to steal personal or financial information?
Was it hard to get a drone permission to fly over the city?
Machine Gun Kelly??