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Washington D.C

5 Black-Owned Businesses in Washington, D.C.

Here are 5 Black-owned businesses I visited in Washington, D.C. during my Surprise Staycation with @PackUpGoTravel!

Ben’s Chili Bowl / Ben’s Next Door
1211 U St NW, Washington, DC 20009

The Spice Suite
2201 Channing St NE, Washington, DC 20018

Georgia Brown’s
950 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20005

Puddin’ [Union Market]
1309 5th St NE, Washington, DC 20002

651 Florida Ave NW #7, Washington, DC 20001

#blackhistorymonth2023 #blackownedbusiness

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  1. Tell me you're a skin worshipper without actually telling me. You call yourself "black" because of a German man named Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. Will you admit this truth?! Only YAHUAH ELOHIM knows. That's GOD Almighty by the way.

  2. Yes her intentions were good when making this video but it still feels really racist. Why does race have to be a factor at all? If she had made a video only eating at white owned businesses the video would be taken down. Some really weird double standards going on…

  3. “Black Owned Business” ?? The last time America saw businesses labeling themselves by color was some of the most shameful times in American History (prior to & leading up to the Civil Rights “Progress” dates of ‘54-‘68). Segments of the Black population have picked up where racist, bigoted monsters left off during that era. They are promoting division, separation and racial discrimination. This language being used, perpetuated and encouraged is in itself, racism. If ANY other color, nationality or race were to label their business in this way, there would be riots in the streets. “White Owned” “Asian Owned” “Hispanic Owned” IMAGINE, just imagine the division that would be created if each of these owned business labeled themselves accordingly. View the University of Washington’s research on this. It has only proved to discourage other races from entering these businesses because they don’t feel welcomed. Why would they? Of course black owned businesses that have seen business fall off for posting these signs tell themselves that racism is the cause. Yes, it is. Your racism. When you sit in the circles of business owners that label themselves, you find that they often have enormous walls up to most other races.

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