FINALLY!! all the things you need to EAT, SEE and SHOP at in seattle are compiled into one video
PS. shoutout to ashley k for the inspo
Seattle Fish Guys
Pasta Casalinga
Rachel’s Ginger Beer + Ma’ono Fried Chicken
Otherworld Wine Bar
Happy Lemon
Mt Bagel
Salt and Straw
Nana’s Green Tea (check footage)
Little Odd fellows
Meraki Tea
Westman’s Bagel
Temple Pastries
Bake shop
Eres Boutique
Late Night Vintage Market
Fremont Vintage Mall
Redlight Vintage
if you wanna stalk us a lil:
Apple Podcasts:
Great video… for clueless newbies
This is THE list! You hit on all of my favs.
Where did you live before coming to Seattle?
Thank you for this!! I LOVE SEATTLE!! Can’t wait to check out some of these places!!
What an unexpected surprise to learn there is a Korean restaurant named Paju in Seattle. It's a city name in northern part of South Korea. Probably the chef came from it.
InshaAllah I will come this place and buy my own building Soon InshaAllah Aameen

I’m currently getting some of that chicken from Ma ono
you’re so cute, nice vid
I went to hs there 35 years ago, and I don’t recognize any of these streets and places you showed. Is the fish ladder still open to the public? That was my fav spot back then.
Trash city smells like piss, don't go there.
Have you tried Seawolf in fremont for pastries? I love them!!! Try their sweet croissant its one of the best pastries I've ever had
I live south of Seattle (30ish minute drive) and there were some staple places my wife and I would go to, but I'm interested in trying these places out for a day off trip for us. I haven't visited Seattle in a LONG time, like years, despite being close to it (I'm a gamer nerd, so we'd go to PAX West at the beginning September as an excuse to be in Seattle but haven't gone in a few years). So we go to Tacoma for certain places for a night out.
Wow, this video makes me want to book a trip to Seattle right now! Seattle locals, do you have any favorite spots that visitors often miss?
Add Seattle Boat Share – Power boats, ski, wake, fun $99
I used to work at Westmans Bagels! It's so cool to see it on this list, definitely a great bagel recommendation!
i love this no-frills video and how you just get straight to the point. i live in a suburb outside Seattle now but you make me miss living in the city! thanks for the recommendations!!
this is such a valid list
So cool to get a different view of the city. Not just all the touristy places. Great video.
This video has a vibe I feel like I’ve been looking for since 2019. Thanks for sharing <3
Great suggestions, thank you so much!
Love Temple!! Have you tried Homer? Its amazing.
Where is Chinatown located in Seattle?
Thank you beautiful lady and husband for this beautiful video. I have been Blessed to visit beautiful Seattle and it was Awesome. Blessings to you and your families!!!
Hi Alia I'm also wearing a hard rock cafe t shirt while watching your video lol. Feel so connected!
what you did to those bagels is antisemitic
I live nearby.. I’ve had no interest in going downtown Seattle, I guess it’s time start exploring lol
Wow seattle looks so cute and aesthetic
P.s. I am also a pastry and bagel lover. Thank you for the recs for my future Seattle visit hehe
La gente de EEUU vive muy rapido y no disfruta la vida, de repente vienen aqui y se encuentran muchas fiestas y mucha gastronomia y muchas ganas de disfrutar.
Alli no saben que la comida debe entrar por la vista, por el olfato y por el gusto, luego no me extraña que alguna de EEUU vino aqui siendo Vegana y dejo de serlo aqui cualquiera se resiste a tanta delicia y mucha a buen precio.
I am going to Seattle in less than 2 weeks for vacation! This helps so much because I need places to go to when I’m there! Thanks

I can't wait to move to the PNW.
thank you for all your thoughtful suggestions Alia! going to try them out!
Going for a business in Seattle next month and I want to check out some of these spots with my coworker. Thank you
I lived here for over a decade and haven’t been to any
To many people in Seattle no thanks