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If you like this one, we’ll do more like it with different amounts for different vacation/travel budgets.
Music by:
Boom Boom
$10,000 in 24 Hours:
Double it and you’ll be good.
Who the fuck would go to Vegas and go to Top Golf

That’s spending an afternoon in vegas
Don't drink or give these people money please. Stop this online panhandle garbage
Nope not me and my girl tf
My work paying for everything for me and my wife

LOL $300 A DAY?! I call bull. It depends on your interests.
Go to McDonald's to eat 7$
Imagine traveling to Vegas to play top golf
we can do that shit at home
Naw it's $500/day
Tacos El Gordo is like In N Out, overrated. Having to get in multiple lines (sometimes I like to go eat solo) $20 for four tiny street tacos, doesn’t even come with rice/beans, jalapeño are extra $.
Sorry but that doesnt look like a good Vegas experience. Looks like a snoozefest
Bro for eggslut you said $10 burger but you went from $300 to $280 then never mentioned the price of the drink but the price then dropped $10 brinnging the budget down to $270. Little confusing bro.
If I remember right top golf is literally free to enter
How much do locals spend a day to live here, I mean on average
Lunch at night. Sounds correct for vegas
tacos El Gordo needs to invest in an air conditioner!! It's very hot inside, and giant fans do nothing!!! They charge a lot for average tacos.. and need to invest in the much much needed Air conditioner!!! I was there 3 weeks ago, a real life oven!!! Tacos were average. Not worth the wait .but when you hungry fills the spot.
Sounds like an overpriced trip to a mall in New Jersey
I'm not doing anything I can do at home. Tacos and golf ain't happening
Top golf and medieval times ? Lolololol. Not Vegas enough
If you budget then you don’t have to spend that much..
I’ve unironically somehow ended up at 50 percent of the places on the list. All are basically 2/10, would not recommended. Mid
You gambled 20$. I’m trying to budget 400$ a day for gambling. I need 12 step program I guess.
I ain’t going to no top golf