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Las Vegas

Fremont street #lasvegas #shocking #fremontstreet

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  1. I remember the first day I moved to Vegas I hopped off the Greyhound bus which is at the end of this downtown Fremont Street on the west side. The first thing I noticed was the heat, and then i thought its was pretty badass. It gets a lot crazier at night time, it was still fun.

  2. For the ignorant. These women are posing for pictures and entertaining tourists. If they were hookers they probably wouldn't be dancing on Fremont. If you don't like it, just look the other way. Fremont St. is not supposed to be wholesome and for the kids. It is ADULT entertainment.

  3. These women must be someone's daughters, these women must be someone's sisters… what kind of culture is this in which prostitution is being sold openly And they also take pride in such low things. What kind of people are these? Have some shame. If you cannot stop this, then at least stop promoting prostitution.

  4. As someone who lives 5 hours away from Las Vegas I was shocked how much all these entertainment performers we’re extremely comfortable show more skin than usual but yet again in Las Vegas it’s normal to see something like that

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