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San Francisco

California Highway One Road Trip: ULTIMATE Itinerary & Must-See Stops | San Francisco to San Diego

We did the Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco to San Diego over three days. California Highway One is a special Road Trip that we’ll never forget!! Our video includes realistic timings but make sure you check out our full Highway One tips on our website:

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  1. There is even more fog "in the hot California summer." It's nature's convection cooling. Think about how an air conditioner works. Essentially, the heat inland sucks the cool moisture off the ocean. The hotter inland, the foggier on the coast. Try September through October for the best weather-although there could be wildfires. April is good too, a bit chilly maybe, and there could be a bit of rain but is often nice.

  2. beauiful ountry and she is a

    nice country ,please and please be careful about natural disaster in your country but i wish you are fine and have a nice day with peace and have a good healthcare and going an oher country and no death in your country

  3. beauiful ountry and she is a

    nice country ,please and please be careful about natural disaster in your country but i wish you are fine and have a nice day with peace and have a good healthcare and going an oher country and no death in your country

  4. nice country ,please and please be careful about natural disaster in your country but i wish you are fine and have a nice day with peace and have a good healthcare and going an oher country and no death in your country

  5. nice country and

    i respect you and

    ,please and ,please becarful of natural disaster in USA ,, especially cities closest to beach, you have to go to other city like venice, paris, oslo, berlin, sydney,switzerland or zurich, i want to have all the amercians have good health, you have to go to these cities as a time to spend the holidays in the beautiful cities and forget about this disaster, I give a very simple solution to this natural castrophe because I love USA a lot and I don't like to watch or listen there people who die in this country, thanks to the natural deaster , I want to be like batman who loves his country, for me, USA is the strongest country that I love,there is a natural disaster in USA, I do not know in which date, in what time it occurs? but I put your attention on this disaster,i try to help you because i love USA,please becarful ,you know the days when there is no connection, you follow this day, the same happens for the USA, there is a natural castrophe, it eats all the places,rember the bad day,they are no facebook,no instagram,no tiktok,the same thing from USA,they are a dangeroux natural deaster ,,,,,please becarful ,and go an other country,please no death in USA,i love USA

  6. beauiful ountry and she is a

    nice country ,please and please be careful about natural disaster in your country but i wish you are fine and have a nice day with peace and have a good healthcare and going an oher country and no death in your country

  7. Wow, you make things so interesting indeed. You can tell you had tv/media job back in blighty 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. Super family. Wow, so many elephant seals, great coastline, and beaches. Those Danish pastries. Venice beach disappointing, Hutington beach lot better. Fantastic vlog 🩷👍

  8. Hey thanks for the informative video. Im planning to do the same trip this summer. Was the convertible comfortable for the kids at the back? Want the same driving experience!

  9. Awesome video. Drove this route back in 1991 with a friend. Was mostly foggy so could not see the views so much, but had a blast. Topped it off in Santa Monica by meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger at World Gym there. How lucky can you get. 🙂

  10. I did the opposite drive from San Diego to Eureka. The highlights were definitely Big Surr, Hearst Castle, Fisherman's wharf/Alcatraz, Pebble Beach, Red Wood National forest and thousands of great views. Fantastic video. You have a beautiful family my friend.

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