If you’re visiting Washington, DC for more than a few days, these are five day trip ideas that let you explore beyond the city limits.
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~Resources from this video~
How to Ride the WATER TAXI Between DC and Alexandria – https://youtu.be/GCsw6P6FASc
Torpedo Factory Arts Center – http://torpedofactory.org
American Visionary Art Museum – http://www.avam.org
National Aquarium – https://www.aqua.org
Star-Spangled Banner Flag House – https://www.nps.gov/places/star-spangled-banner-flag-house.htm
Fort McHenry National Monument – https://www.nps.gov/fomc/index.htm
10 Things to Do in Annapolis – https://www.visitmaryland.org/list/10-things-to-do-in-annapolis
Gettysburg National Military Park – https://www.nps.gov/gett/index.htm
Monticello – https://www.monticello.org
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I took a day trip to Monticello last week – the train leaves at 8.15am and you are in Charlottesville by 10.30, the train back is at 7pm. This gives you enough time to leisurely explore the mansion and the grounds, they also offer various tours. If you buy the train tickets early enough they will only cost you 22 bucks for the return trip, and the uber to Monticello was about 10 or 15 bucks one way (10 min ride). I also went to Mount Vernon which is actually accesible by public transport – take the bus 101 from Huntington (last stop on metro, currently the blue line goes there).
Baltimore also has 2 FREE Art Museums: The Baltimore Museum of Art and the Walter's.
My aunt lives in Alexandria perfect to park at the parking garage an ride the metro in DC
Don't miss George Washington's home, Mount Vernon. We love going there and I have been a member in the past. Mount Vernon is just outside the Beltway and is a 25 to 40 minute drive from DC. You could take the Metro to the Huntington Metro Station and then a Ride On bus to Mount Vernon. You can also take a cab or a ride share.
Interesting indeed. Thanks for the tip.
I took the Water taxi. I enjoy it very much. Relaxing ride.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia is best for a day trip from DC — It's just 65 Miles from DC..
Beautiful James River side City Richmond,VA (1:45 hrs Travel south of DC) is good for a Day Trip from DC..
When I went to DC last August to visit family, we went to Alexandria and took the Free King St Trolley, which was very cool. Then we took the Water Taxi from Alexandria to The Wharf. And, I go through Charlottesville when I'm going to DC lol.
I was expecting mount vernon to be in this list
Can you fix your flags? US flag is always first. You should know this.
I also always enjoy Manassas National Battle Field for those that are interested in the Civil War, and you can hit the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Center in the same trip.
My family and I plan to visit DC this coming August and I am a big beach person. Do you happen to have any advice on best day trip beaches(s)? I saw that Delaware had a few popular ones. Thoughts?
Would love to see a video for each of these day trip locations so i have an idea of other things to do other than the one or two things you mentioned here that got me wanting to go in the first place. Great video. Baltimore is a must for me.
Would Mt. Vernon be considered a day trip? I will be visiting soon. Ill be staying in Arlington for 5 nights.
Annapolis! Must see.
Ocean City is not a bad option too.
This may sound too negative. Isn't Baltimore the capital of murder?
The idea of day tirpping there haunts me
One of my favorite museums in Baltimore is the B&O train museum.
I just hope we get some two way all day service on the Marc soon…
Lancaster, Pa has the 2nd largest Amish community in the nation. It's just over 2 hours away.
We did a Charlottesville day trip from DC two weeks ago. Great recommendation! We included a stop at the Manassas National Battlefield on our way, then spent the afternoon in Charlottesville including a visit to the UVA campus and a late afternoon visit to Monticello. A memorable day trip that I'd love to do again, but I felt like combining Manassas and Charlottesville short-changed the experience at each place a bit, and that's even with a very early start at 7am. Traffic was slow-going and we just didn't have enough time in either place to see all we wanted to see. Each of them should be their own day trip. But I would highly recommend both.
I always love watching your videos. I always wish there were more.
hi Rob! is it true that Circulator is free right now? I'm going to hit Town June 1st
I live in suburban DC and I recently made a day trip to Charlottesville to visit Monticello. It was an amazing experience that I'll never forget. I recommend making a stop in Montpellier, the home of James Madison, which is on the way to Monticello. Also if you have the time, try driving back up on skyline drive which is an experience in it of itself.
OMG I thought you were gonna talk about Philly and NYC……
We drove to Annapolis and toured the Navel Academy. Traffic was heavy.
#6: Richmond, Virginia. It is the capital city of Virginia, and it is filled with a lot of history. Richmond, Virginia, is about a two(2)-hour drive south of Washington, DC.
Gettysburg! Such a great experience!
Can you make a video explaining the bus + ride-on busses and bays? I honestly think shady grove is the worst. The bus bays do not sync up with the busses numbers
. I know Suitland synced up good, but shady grove was a mess. I can’t imagine if all of the other ones are messed up too.
andnames, the signs outside the bays don’t match, and WMATA never tells you what side you should be on for the bus it will just say bus bay A when there are 2 of them without a proper labelGreat list! I also really like Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. Its a charming historic town nestled between the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers, and you can go hiking in the mountains nearby.
Fairfax County Park Authority actually has a day trip to Annapolis that picks up from Fair Oaks mall in Fairfax, so if you don't feel like driving, you can sign up for that and just relax aboard a comfy bus or van
Took the water taxi from DC to Alexandria and National Harbor, it was an awesome day trip! Also went to Mount Vernon…that’s an trip in itself!