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10 Best Places to Visit in Washington State – Travel Video

Washington is best known for its biggest city of Seattle, but the Evergreen State is also home to a huge number of scenic destinations. Whether you want to hike right up to waterfalls, admire snow-capped mountains from a distance or spend the day on islands off the coast, Washington has it all. It is easy to pack your vacation with city life, world-class attractions, national parks and more while in the Pacific Northwest. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in Washington State:

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  1. Washington is the greatest nation state on the planet! If i became governor i I would enforce the Reinheitsgebot or state purity laws. I would make narcotics and kreteks illegal. I would end same sex marriage. Abortion and misogyny woild be illegal. I would encourage Washington only home grown companies and put hugr tariffs on out of state corporations. If you csn join the military then 18 will become yhe legal drknkong age. I will also enforce the barefoot school boy law that all meals K thru 12 be paid by yhe statd pf Washington.

  2. Is it safe for Indians to visit there? We are tourists planning on off beat locations and Washington State in the USA is as offbeat as it gets. North Cascades is really beautiful. Can anyone give me any information for hotels/resorts or air bnbs and how far it would be from Seattle as we will be landing there through an International flight from India.

  3. We did the WABDR and NCW Scablands last year and was really disappointed. Amidst so much beauty and natural wonder the burnt out hulks, homeless(?) camp(s) like the one at Rock Creek Campground only served to remind us of the woes of the area's drug and burglary epidemic. Saw some homeless camps that would rival any in Seattle. Rude AF ATVrs and Side By Sides offset the nice people that waived or stopped to brief us on the trail ahead but, the one thing that really ruined it though was the amount of trash and human waste. It was everywhere and it was disgusting. More than once we stopped to enjoy the views only to be assaulted by the odors of human waste and stale beer piss. Grant County was the absolute worst though. If they don't get a handle on the gangs and crime there I just cannot see recommending going there for anything. Grant Co sheriff advises the public to use ATMs only during the daylight hours and to avoid using debit cards at ANY of the gas stations because of rampant card skimming. Check out their FB page or website for more. Not quite 3rd world but umm, no bueno.

  4. Be sure to visit Dry Falls. It is possibly the largest freshwater waterfall ever to exist. All of the Scablands is an amazing place to visit, and you won't have to deal with large crowds.

  5. Seattle made me laugh. They are competing with LA and SF for worse cities on the West coast. If drugged out crazies and endless tents are your thing, that's good. Don't forget the broken windows if you dare try to lock your car. Seattle is the worst city in Washington.

  6. Grew up in Portland area and lived in Spokane WA for 22 years. I used to like visiting Seattle, but it has become infested with junkies and far left extremist groups. Spokane gets a bad rap for some reason, but despite some of the issues there it is a great place to live and visit.

  7. While I won't diss on Seattle (because you need a larger city for a variety of reasons, like good healthcare options and diversity), I will agree that the rest of the of the state has so much to offer that you really don't have to be IN Seattle to get a lot of the benefits.😮

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