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Las Vegas

This is why you shouldn’t walk around in Vegas

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  1. It's pretty well-known by this point that the strip casinos are much farther apart than they look. It's a common first-time visitor's "mistake" to be, for example, outside of the Mirage, and say, "Oh look, we can see Bellagio from here. Let's just walk it instead of getting a ride." You don't realize you're looking at a solid mile.

  2. I learned everything was far away when I was leaving from the Mardi Gras Hotel and was like yeah it's going to take centuries to get there 😂😂😂 so your best bet is to either have a car or catch the bus

  3. From Plaza on Fremont Street to the Luxor is 2.5 miles. I walked that to pass the time for my midnight flight. Took HOURS. It’s my traditional after Punk Rock Bowling now. I’m a sweaty mess, exhausted and full of food. I sleep good on the way back to Philly. My favorite is seeing how far the Strat is front of me then behind me.

  4. Man walking around Vegas at night seems sketchy but i had so much fun doing it. Maybe it was just the right nights but I just tell the homeless people I don’t have cigarettes or the $ they ask for and they have always kept walking.

  5. I'm still scratching my head wondering how a building could be intimidating I mean you have to be the biggest softy feather softy heart Mama's boy to be intimidated by a building😂😂

  6. I've never been. I'm in Va. I want to go to Nevada for the history, I'm not a gambler. I'd see the sphere. I might gamble just bc I'm there. But seeing a couple shows, see the Old West & old towns., & Zak Bagans museum would give me an accomplished feeling.

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