Here are the top things you must do to enhance your trip to San Francisco.
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San Francisco Travel Guide
What’s in our camera bag?
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Founder/Host: JUBRIL
Filmmaker: YOURI Visuals by Youri
Filmmaker: ANT
Music Composer: ISAIAH
Co-Host : Kelly
Producer: TALIYA
Charmaine’s Rooftop / Proper Hotel
Fog Harbor Restaurant
Water BAr Restaurant
China Live in Chinatown
Boat Yacht rental:
Shanutski with Captain Timothy
GetMyBoat app:
Thanks for watching, let us know in the comments where you want us to film next?
Thanks for this video
Your energy is top level
This was so helpful. Where can I find the foodie vlog?
Thank you for this video. We will be traveling to San Francisco in a couple of months. So looking forward to our trip.
This guy makes the freshest videos I've ever seen… His crew is talented for sure… Bravo…

Fun, knowledgeable, honest tips. Subscribed!

The Paris of the US
I’m from Oakland Ca. Was born in San Francisco! Brotha this video made the bay look MAGICAL ! I was like, that CANT be my city lol
It's 5000 people. SF Democrat politics could fix the issue. Filter out the drug problem people. They need to be in city/state facilities for long term care and rehabilitation. Mental illness requires mental asylums long term care. Poor folks? The illegal aliens and foreign nationals taking up rooms and housing need to go so American citizens can get housed. It's too bad Democrats have made it prohibitively problematic to build massive housing towers or expand. The political constraints by the elite Democrat party have made it impossible to modernize and elevate housing.
Thank you for this bro! Planning a trip to SF soon and all of the videos I have been seeing come up are not as informative, fairly negative, and usually made by some white guy
. Your Camera work and the editing was top tier!
Thanks for this video. I'm an Oakland native, I work for the Golden Gate Bridge and drive transit busses for them in Marin and SF.
My wife is from the black part of Sausalito (Marin City where Tupac Shakur lived and went to High school) and you showcased everything lovely.
I love and first came across your channel on your videos about Haiti and Belize. You have a new subscriber in me for sure.
Great energy my guy
Yo is San Luis Obispo, CA nice?
Dude I wanna know where you got that shirt . The black and white shirt In the end .?"
Yeah Man, I live in the Bay Area and work in the City everyday and the Homeless Issue…well no one and I mean no one has a solution…. It' s sad because it takes away the comfort of being, living, working and enjoy the city to it's fulest some times.
Love the content! Very inspirational.
Thank you so much. I am in SanFran now…rewatching this video to recap what I want to see.
Why are you guys so good fam? Great job! What happened to the bloopers?
Thank you! Great ideas. With her around how is the driving in San Francisco?
Thank you for this information, how is the weather in February, between this one and the one you guys did on Sausalito I'm sold.
wow…just wow…lol……
You put together a great video thank you for the insight
Dude, your video quality is top notch.
So glad I stumbled upon your video on YouTube this morning. I’m super pumped for for SF now. Flying in early November for a photography conference in Carmel. Coming back after conference for almost 2 days before flying home. Video gave me some great ideas.
Beautiful !!!!!
Welcome to my City sir.
No joke about the food – born and raised in SF but moved out in 2018. Never considered myself a food snob or a picky eater but my god I didn't know how good SF had it until I moved away. Haven't been back yet but love the video – I didn't even know about some of these spots despite living there most of my life!
City was the height if sophistication, class, food, banking and insurance. Cant blame republicans fir turning it into a open air toilet. We use to laugh at detroit chicago philly, New York, dc etc… i heard kids in China who dint finish their dinner are told…think about all the homeless people in San Francisco! Stupid threat….our thieves, drug addicts and homeless are the fattest in the world!
Love everything about your video from the little history to the little tips to the systematic organized contents and the awesome videographer to the typed out blurbs at the bottom left…! Very helpful. Thank you

lived in SF for 10 years and thought you did a great job with this video
Exceptional Energy. Well presented. Gods blessings and Lots of love
from South Africa 
that's crazy 10:26
They're so open and welcoming to everybody who's also a liberal I bet if I went there with conservative viewpoints they would be far less friendly
New Orleans
Thank you!!!
What month did you go and what was the weather like? I am going next Month and I am wondering what will be the weather be like
Bip City
Great video and some spots I still have left to do. SF is great and if you like running, I would recommend running from Hyde Cable car turnaround to Sausalito (12km) and take the ferry back (15$) to downtown SF. Crossing the bridge by foot was on my bucket list and i finally did it, three weeks ago
Any vaccine restrictions? I’m planning on going but unvaccinated
I call BS on renting a Porsche 911 for $25…I don’t see it anywhere on the App :/
I need to plan a trip soon!!!
Im from the Bay Area & this is the best city in the world to me! I’m Going for my birthday next month and this video helped so much with new restaurants!!

thank you!!!!