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Las Vegas

The 11 Best Stops on a Las Vegas to The Grand Canyon Road Trip

Driving between Las Vegas and The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular road trips in the United States. Luckily, there is a lot of great places to stop on the trip. From National Parks, architectural wonders, places filled with history, quirky roadside stops, and even monsters, this drive has it all.

In this video we drive from the Las Vegas Strip and stop at what we think are the best stops on the way to the Grand Canyon’s South Rim.

If you are driving from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas, be sure to use this list in reverse. 🙂

00:00 Intro
01:47 Nevada State Railroad Museum
02:27 Tom Devlin’s Monster Museum
03:47 Lake Mead National Recreation Area
04:31 Hoover Dam
07:21 Arizona Last Stop
07:53 Kingman Visitor Center and Route 66 Museum
08:52 Seligman, Arizona
09:47 Ash Fork Route 66 Museum
10:36 Williams, Arizona
11:46 Raptor Ranch
13:02 Tusayan, Arizona

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  1. Why didn't you go to the north rim? Its only 258 miles, and the north rim is at a higher elevation, making for lush forests and more wildlife, including California Condors. It is also more natural, with less of the junky signs of civilization that you get on the south rim.

  2. What a difference a year makes, Lake Mead rose 30 ft in just the last year! I got cheated out of my Grand Canyon vacation by the pandemic! While I was home I took a fall and could no longer travel! Thanks again for taking me places I can't go anymore!!

  3. It is really surprising what one year will do to the depth of water in Lake Mead's reservoir.
    I know it's telling, but Los Vegas has changed so much since I was last there, 50+ years ago. Time flies, when pursuing other lands.
    Thank you again!
    Obrigado novamente.

  4. Great video explanation!.
    Planning to go in July
    What is the closest side to see the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas? Is it 280 miles from the strip or is there closer to being able to go and return to the strip on the same day?. Thanks , great work!

  5. Hi!! I love your video and it’s a huge help because I have my itinerary the same as a the video but I would like to do a couple questions to see if you can help me. I’m planning tondo this road trip at the end of may and I would like to know if a take the old Route 66 I lost all this stops from your video? And when you get to the Grand Canyon did you know where rim did you get? I hope you can help me… thanks in advance

  6. Great video. I have done Las Vegas, Williams and the Grand Canyon, but with wife and kids we were always in a rush to get to our destination. Upcoming life changes will find me relocating to Kingman, AZ and I am looking forward to having more time to explore these areas and more. I think for anyone traveling the USA this is a great roadtrip to make as there is plenty of nature to see, quirky little shops/restaurants and it gives a good representation of the vastness of the USA.

  7. hi, I am from the UK, and have family in Alabama. I was thinking of visiting them and then doing a bucket list trip to Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon.
    I have already had some tips, flying into Vegas, driving to Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon…I was hoping to do the visit and the drive in 7 days leave, Just wondering how many days to allocate, the best time of year to go, and how much time in each place?

    Can you give me some advice please.

  8. I want to thank you for this video you brought back a lot of good memories when me and my wife went there 1969 or 70 we had a beautiful time there. Thank you again for the video. That’s when I was stationed TRAVIS Air Force force base, California, Fairfield

  9. What a great video! I am from California and have been to both places many a times but always wondered what this route is actually like! Thanks for the fun video!

  10. Arriving at the Grand Canyon does actually take your breath away. While the video was exceptionally well done, seeing it in person is a bucket list item.
    Afterall, we are all just a compilation of memories over our lifetime.

  11. Can you tell me how long i should plan to land in vegas, make a leisurely trip to the grand canyon and return to vegas in time to fly home? Hopefully getting a night or two in on the vegas strip?
    We will have 3 chilren in tow so not nedi g to gamble just see the sights in vegas

  12. What time you started at the strip and what time you reached the south rim, did you stay over night with all those stops and then head to the GC. next day?

  13. I’m doing this road trip but on the other direction, from South rim to Vegas. Thanks for this video with good advices and recommendations. “Women pee in Arizona, men pee in Nevada” lol

  14. Enjoyed this. We were going to do this exact road trip (actually around same time that you filmed this) but had such a blast in Vegas that we were driving along and decided wife and kids were just too tired. Stopped for some food and gas and head on home. But plan to hit the road and explore these stops soon. Great tips and insights, cheers.

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