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Top Places To Eat In Boston [4K] – Vacation Travel Guide – Boston Massachusetts

Top Places To Eat In Boston [4K] – Vacation Travel Guide – Boston Massachusetts

00:10 – Mike’s Pastry (map:
03:05 – Neptune Oyster (map:
06:02 – Island Creek Oyster Bar (map:
07:38 – Union Oyster House (map:
09:59 – Modern Pastry Shop (map:
11:40 – Toscanini’s Ice Cream (map:

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  1. These places are all tourist traps. Don't go there. There are better places around town for cheaper money. This guy doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. All he did was give crappy reviews about places he recommends. What a dope.

  2. You should’ve tried Mikes Roast Beef… used to be right next to Mikes Donuts in Everett like 15 20 yrs ago.. Broadway in Everett.. but now that the casino is there.. they kicked all the good shit out of there… including subs r us n only have McDicks (McDonald’s) on the way to encore casino.. but back then (20 yrs ago)that Everett was the ghetto everything was good priced n everyone had a heart.. if we didn’t have money they’d always hook us kids up.. cuz they knew we were hungry.. Mikes roast beef n donuts always loved the kids coming by everyday getting their daily donut after school or roast beef or sub for dinner.. MIKES USED TO BE THE BEST IN EVERETT

  3. Omg I can't even. This is no local but just a guy preaching his visit as optimal….

    Mikes…. lolol…

    Canolis don't travel well so don't waste time.

    Mikes is a tourist bomb. F that. Lol.

    Rose Kenedy greenway. Ummmmm Christopher Columbus Park. Big park by north end with actual open space…..

    Neptune oyster. How you recommending crap tourist bombs when you clearly hated it. So dumb…….

    So he sends ya to Faneuil hall… another tourist bomb making factory food and shipping to tourist locations all over New England….

    Eataly is new and basically corporate nonsense. What a crazy hole to send anyone too… lol rinos in east vosron if u gonna send folks somwwhere

    Eataly ain't in the north end… its on Boylston.

    Pushes DD… like a commercial.

    Island creek is a bit better.. but like pulling best places off of yelp. Lol. And he got the fenway reference right at least

    Union oyster.. lol. Right next to Faneuil hall and its a tourist bomb…. lol

    My local diner has better cornbread but. Whatever…

    Modern… a step up from mikes. Silly……. Northend. There is a whole other Italian neighborhood with equally good stuff. Just saying. 2 train stops away…

    Toscaninis.. really all the way in Cambridge. Its not even in boston

    This guy…… ignore every word he says. Basically this video is a whose who of boston tourist traps. Lol

  4. When I'm in town I always go to three places: 1) Pho Basil – Thai & Vietnamese in Back Bay (tiny place – really fresh and excellent!!) 2) Red Bones – BBQ and southern fare – near Davis stop (nothing fancy but tasty) 3) Belle Isle Seafood – Winthrop (excellent seafood and reasonable – worth the inconvenience of traveling over there).

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