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San Francisco

12 San Francisco Christmas Attractions

12 Christmas Attractions in San Francisco

This week Amie and I made the trip up to San Francisco to explore the city and see what Christmas attractions they had for us to experience. San Francisco is a magical place during the Christmas season and here are the 12 spots I recommend in this video.

1. Union Square
2. Union Square Shops
3. Westin St. Francis Cakes
4. SantaCon
5. A Christmas Carol
6. Fairmont Hotel Gingerbread House
7. Great Dickens Fair
8. Deck the Halls Pop Up Bar
9. California Academy of Sciences
10. Fishermans Wharf
11. Christmas Lights Tour
12. Tom and Jerry’s House


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  1. Didn't mention well known beautifully decorated houses located in Castro District. Lot of decorations in downtown have been scaled down since late 2000s. In the 80s and 90s, downtown is magical comparable to Disney. Fisherman's Wharf has caroling or performance in Pier 49 and sometimes Ghirardelli Square during the season. One year Ghirardelli Square invited Harry Potter gangs to light the tree.

  2. I shall come back to visit San Francisco one day but the difference is to bring my mom. I went there last year in July to visit my uncle for nearly a month and it felt like Christmas came early but no related music or decorations but just the night felt like it. If I do come during Christmas time, I shall try these out!

  3. You'e mentioned many of my favorite places but missed some favorite things, like the Hyatt Regency with its amazing decor where I topped off my day with dessert in their revolving restaurant while watching he Christmas boat parade in the bay. You also missed Little Italy with the fine elegant dining traditions, crafts with ice rink and shopping in front of the World Trade Center, the ballets and Curan Theater, riding the trolley between Union Square and Ghirradelli Square, and this year I heard Chinatown will be having a Christmas festival worth seeing. Most of all, your presentation missed the brightness and spark of activities … why were all the people and daylight left out? Half the joy is in the faces and the hustle of it all! It came across dull when it is anything but!

  4. oh my gosh literally thanks so much for making this video cuz I currently live in Korea and I'm planning to go to SF during my winter vacation to see my family! I just couldn't remember the Christmas spots back in the states 🙁

  5. Awesome video! It reminds me of the great times that I've spent there years ago… and hopefully will get to visit again this December.
    The only problem that I have is that you mispronounced Ghirardelli…

  6. I have lived in S.F. For 2 years, many years ago. The time was the Patty Hearst kidnapping. I loved it. It was the most exciting place I had ever been. Lived 2 places. Mission District & later, downtown, across from the side of the main 📚 library, which moved a little and the older bldg. became an Asian museum, after I had moved away. Worked in business library in the Golden Gate Library. Also 2 health food stores: GNC and Golden Crescent (long since closed). Owner deceased. Fella, a neighbor’s dog and other S.F. Dogs & other things in S.F. In 1 of my albums in storage. The End (for now).

  7. You’re on point. I’ve been taking my son to all these places. We went to Santa Con last year and it was a lot of fun. Then we went ice skating, eating and shopping afterwards. Even though it rained on us we still had lots of fun.

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