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San Francisco

10 Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE Moving to San Francisco

After living in San Francisco for over 10 years now, here’s 10 things I wish I knew before moving here.

Ranking San Francisco Neighborhoods:

This video is part of a series about the San Francisco real estate market and Marin real estate market, including the best San Francisco and Marin County homes, changes in the San Francisco and Marin housing markets, and things to do in San Francisco and Marin, and answers questions like how much does it cost to live in SF and Marin, and where are the best places to live, eat, drink, shop, and hang out in the areas.

I’m a lawyer turned San Francisco and Marin County real estate agent and real estate developer who has lived in the Bay Area for over a decade, giving me in-depth, first-hand experience in the Bay Area housing market and lifestyle. If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home in SF or Marin, just visiting San Francisco or Marin on vacation, or want more information about the SF and Marin housing markets, then this channel is for you!

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If you are thinking of buying a home in SF or Marin, selling a home in SF or Marin, or just wondering whether to move to or move out of SF or Marin, reach out to me for assistance! As a buyer’s agent and seller’s agent, I help clients every day buying and selling homes in San Francisco and Marin, and investing in Bay Area real estate, and I’d love to put my skills to work for you.

Austin Klar, J.D.
San Francisco and Marin Realtor
DRE02172799 | Vanguard Properties
+1 (714) 926-3199

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  1. first point, no one is spending 100$ going out you're just being financially irresopnsible. Ive lived here for 33 years and thats insane.
    second point, we have probably the best transportation in the country. you have a bus on every other block.

  2. knoxville; rent $1200 entry level unskilled wages cap out at $15/hour
    san fran; rent $3000 ELU wages cap out at $30/hour
    seattle: rent $1500 ELU wages cap out at $25/hour

    hello from Seattle ☕️☕️☕️🌲🌲🌲

  3. Hi sir , i am a student from india and moving to San Francisco on 13 january i dont know anything about the city the worst part is i dont have any relatives here and much money to spend i want to know about the areas which are safe to live with cheap rents i need only one room if shared as well . I am 18 years old plz help

  4. Despite its current condition, it's still my favorite place. I'm ready to move! I know the neighborhood I want to be in, and now I have found the guy I want to be in a relationship with (hint, you, really cute. Haha). Everything you say about SF is spot on, in my opinion, an what I think is really important is the day to day expenses. I visit twice a year and spend more in one week doing nothing then I would spend on a two week all inclusive vacation to the tropics including airfare.

  5. My father used to talk about leaving the Richmond District flat before a week out of town in August and turning off the steam heat before leaving. School always started before the warm weather – and no, school buildings were not equipped with air conditioning.

  6. Nope. Nightlife does not end at 10:00 PM in San Francisco or anywhere in the Bay Area. That's crazy to say and not true. It's never been that way. Depending on the activity, night life in San Francisco, and the entire Bay Area, ends anywhere between 12:00 AM – 2:30 AM. This is coming from someone who actually goes to concerts, Broadway shows, SF Jazz, Symphony, night markets, comedy shows, sporting events, roller skating, expeditions, art shows, movies, restaurants, lounges, clubs, etc. in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area.

    With resources such as SF Gate, SF Chronicle, SF Eater, Do The Bay, SF Fun Cheap, etc. to name a few, no one should have any problems finding things to do and meeting people in the San Francisco Bay Area. One has to be willing to research activities and put themselves out there. It's the same with Los Angeles and other cities. There's plenty to do. You just have to find it. San Francisco is not a 24 Hour city like NYC. However, there's a good night life scene.

  7. I live in San Francisco and every single day I walk to work and have to step over human excrement. I see homeless people walking around outside half naked and high and the city does not care. I am LGBTQ so I can say whatever I want about them. After a LGBTQ event I went to a pizza place and stood behind a gay man who was wearing nothing but a thong. I am staying because I want to become a software engineer.

  8. It astounds me how some people move to SF without ever researching the most basic stuff, like weather. FFS, you have all that info at your fingertips. To them I'd say, if you'd rather complain that summers aren't as sweltering like they are in, say, Kansas or Fresno, but you failed to notice SF's lovely warm spells in September & October, then maybe you're too stupid to live here.

  9. #6 makes no sense to me. Can you name another US city in SF's size class that does it better? Boston, Seattle, Portland all have public transport that's decidedly inferior to SF's.

  10. As Bay Area native I appreciate your honesty about the city.i was born and raised in oakland .i always say Oakland is the soul of the bay but the city is the Crown Jewel.and San Jose…no one cares about there lol

  11. thank you for taking truth about crime. the right wing narrative that it is horrible here is wrong. 10 years ago when you moved here maybe it was better, but in the 90’s during the Crack epidemic it was much worse than now. The problem are the police. Because the district attorney’s in both East Bay and in S.F. are more lenient acting in the desires of our liberal perspective here. I won’t go into it, but generally we (me) don’t see locking people up for petty crime is not an answer to the problem. SO the police feel that their efforts are for not. Sadly, instead of not targeting petty crime they just don’t really do anything. Seriously, I have not been pulled over for anything in the last 5-6 years. You can expect the police to never show up for many calls. Sometimes it can be hours and hours. So the burglars and shoplifters figured out they have free rain (it is also that you have to steal over a certain amount to commit a felony…i think it is 900 dollars). However, the silliest part is that the corporate businesses don’t have tight security. Many don’t have any. SO I don’t understand it…. You may not agree with leniency on low level crime, but in truth if we prosecute every person who steals a candy bar or a a bag of stuff our courts and our jails will overflow. Effecting our ability to lock up people who have committed violent crimes. But the police here really don’t do much unless it is gun crime. I will say this: if you don’t want your car broken into don’t leave valuable stuff in your car…period. Oh and here are those short term rental cars parked all over the city, they are not that expensive if you just use them for your errands. Also we have these bikes parked all over the city, and they are relatively cheap and battery powered. So public transit is not the only option…and he is right public transit here kinda sucks… it is available but not so reliable…

  12. I first came and settled in SF in 1983. A very cosmopolitan, sophisticated, accepting, festive, beautiful, romantic city. I retired in 2022. The city changed, loss its soul. All the places we used to frequent changed. The quality of life drastically went downhill. Nowadays I avoid going to the city. All I have are memories of that great city.

  13. San Francisco is my home town. I have lived all over the city. Its true what he says about the neighborhoods. Countless hidden gems like South Park, Buena Vista, upper Castro, Noe Valley, lower Pacific Heights. Street Cleaning towing is fierce.

  14. I miss the downtown vibe sooo much. I used to attend the art institute in the civic center. My cousin worked at the west field mall and our grandparents lived in Nob Hill. I did not live in the city. I lived in America Canyon and worked in Napa on the weekends. But commuting to SF for school, visiting friends and family, and the hustle of hanging out downtown… even grabbing coffee and watching people. I miss that. It’s not the same. I was just there this past summer, and it feels different. I live in Boston now, and the bustle energy here is similar to what SF used to be like in the 2010s. I plan on returning to the Bay, someday, your videos help instill hope in my heart. Boston is lovely and super safe compared to what I’m used to growing up in the Bay, but SF is definitely better as far as beauty, culture, food, and character. 😅

  15. Family member lives there now. Crime and homeless easily as bad as you hear or worse. Car broken into and hood smashed twice plus feet from an actual shooting. You get what you tolerate. Former resident, and very recent visitor so speaking from fact.

  16. I was born in L.A., but I've lived in S.F. all of my life. I recently moved to L.A. for 1 1/2 years, but cam back to S.F. L.A. kicked my azz! And upon returning, so much had changed, in a blink! I came back to S.F. in total shock! Everything has changed. I do miss the sun, smell of fresh fruit and beautiful flowers, in L.A., but I don't miss the crazy driver's. They'll hit your car and keep driving. I do appreciate drinking the water in S.F. The water in L.A. tasted really bad. Especially, in Paramount, CA. And it's SO hot!

    I do plan on visiting L.A., the next time, I go back, just never relocating there. Changing county's messed me up, too, in regards to my medical coverage, DMV, and mail. I also didn't like how far L.A.'s downtown area was. Downtown S.F. is just a hop and a skip away. However, I did enjoy driving on those "ONE" type of streets, that takes you from county to county. Good times! Good times!

    P.S. I once caught a side view of a bearded 'Ben Affleck' in Santa Monica. He was in that BIG new black truck JLo bought him for xmas. I wanted to honk, but he looked SO calm and chilled, so I kept driving.

  17. Protests, didn't mention that one, louder and more disrupting. try working all day and running into a protest or sometimes several protests in one day. Shop lifting, maybe you shop somewhere better than convivence stores, still happens several times an hour, Unfair parking tickets, poor parking, mental health breakdowns on the street, empty streets like a ghost town and a mayor who gives herself a self-congratulatory happy dance at her state of the city speech (just a month ago). The old guard politicians like Willie Brown, Newsom, Pelosi and the wealthy families (Gettys, the Pritzkers and the Fishers and many more) that influence California don't want change in terms of how politics work and are actually now functioning with more secrecy…If you don't have much money it's a miserable place to be, just an awful sinking feeling of decay…It wont get better because the regional news sucks and is politically owned, it's so bad I watch other cities evening news on my roku because the bay area news sucks so bad, actually had infomercials that looked like the news during the evening news (KPIX/CBS channel 5). No shame at all…summer of 2023 SF only had only few days with temperatures above 70 degrees, can be unusually cool for long periods of time.

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