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I’ve been to New York once, but I’m from Florida My old home is California And you know there’s a wildfire so stay out California is good Reply
If you want to travel to New York, consider traveling elsewhere. It could save you from being a victim of assault or homicide. Reply
NYC is the same as L.A, mean , rude and zombies. Thus girl gives Cali Valley vibes . Valley girl like me. Reply
Females act like they don't shop at Walmart and dollar tree they be shopping at goodwill and thrift stores and they they better than every body Reply
Most Cali females are weak small minded only respect the wanna be lame broke dudes from the hood/ghetto they grew up in Reply
California is full of a bunch of dusty musty broke come from nothing ahh females that think they better than every body and be below average financially and physically but they so delusional in their minds they rich and famous celebrities Reply
Wow what a wonderful video you have. I like it so much. Pls continue with more new video like that. Have a wonderful day for you @CookingwithMoms ❤❤❤ Reply
If I was in New York I would keep looking at the sky because of that one World Trade Center cuz it looks likes it’s about to fall Reply
i live in nyc, and this is 1000% accurate
Where a shirt lady, otherwise big homeless guys are going to violate you. Not pleasant.
This shit cringe it's 6am im waking and baking snd drinking beer and this video killed my mood
I’ve been to New York once, but I’m from Florida My old home is California And you know there’s a wildfire so stay out California is good
If you want to travel to New York, consider traveling elsewhere. It could save you from being a victim of assault or homicide.
Off brand Addison Rae
As someone who lives in Manhattan I can tell you this is soooo true.
Shit city
keep out bit#$
Shes so stunning and brave
Actually in New York
NYC is the same as L.A, mean , rude and zombies. Thus girl gives Cali Valley vibes . Valley girl like me.
I like her
get those jugs out. It's all you are good for
For a person in NY it is not as beautiful as it looks
There’s free gum anywhere you go 😑
Females act like they don't shop at Walmart and dollar tree they be shopping at goodwill and thrift stores and they they better than every body
Most Cali females are weak small minded only respect the wanna be lame broke dudes from the hood/ghetto they grew up in
California is full of a bunch of dusty musty broke come from nothing ahh females that think they better than every body and be below average financially and physically but they so delusional in their minds they rich and famous celebrities
Wow what a wonderful video you have. I like it so much. Pls continue with more new video like that. Have a wonderful day for you @CookingwithMoms ❤❤❤
There not nice 👍 there bad
Love your tits!
Her breasts are coming out of her blouse… other than that she seems like a sweet lady.
what’s her name
I luv Californian girl 😘
We must stay focused brothers
Put some clothes on fam
Free cum😮
Piper literally turned into elf for a second buddy the elf
Come to Mumbai
Her friend should have been the main character in this .
Go to 64 street
Peep shows to see presents before Christmas?
If I was in New York I would keep looking at the sky because of that one World Trade Center cuz it looks likes it’s about to fall
Still not a big of a shthole as california. She just knows malibu
I wanna go to NY so bad man
I love nyc
Corny asf especially the first part
Los angeles hollywood now🌇
😂that beginning
The flatbread is in your top