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Las Vegas

Things to do Outside Las Vegas | 5 Must See Unique Places to Visit

Looking for more to do in the Las Vegas area? Here are 5 things to do outside Las Vegas that are sure to offer a unique experience in the area! From stunning red cliffs to massive sand dunes these locations should not be missed!

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0:00 – Intro
0:20 – 1. Seven Magic Mountains
1:55 – 2. Hoover Dam
3:17 – 3. Grand Canyon West Rim
5:50 – 4. Valley of Fire
8:37 – 5. Death Valley
10:35 – Conclusion

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  1. Visited Las Vegas and area last year.
    We drove by the Seven Magic Mountains…meh
    Valley of fire. Amazing!
    Hoover Dam. Amazing!
    Grand Canyon West. Amazing!
    Horseback ride in the desert on Indian Reservation. Amazing!
    Big Horn sheep, top of cliff, against the blue sky while on horseback. Amazing!
    Day trip (5 hours one way) to California beach. Amazing!
    Solar power plant drive by in Mojave. Amazing!
    Watched F22 or F35’s (not sure which..sorry) training in Vegas. Amazing!
    Put a little over 1000 miles on our rental Range Rover in a week.
    Never set foot in a casino. No big loss.
    Excellent trip with my teenage daughter.
    If you are thinking of going…..then go!
    It was well worth it!!!!

  2. How are the water levels at Hoover Dam lower now than when it was built? That makes no sense. When built, the reservoir was not filled AT ALL. And the Colorado River was redirected around the worksite using tunnels bored through the Cliffs on either side. Then AFTER the dam was completed, those tunnels were plugged and the reservoir started filling. Even though it's not 100% full, it's still 1/2 full right now. And, last I checked, 1/2 full IS MORE than empty. So you are an idiot that makes s**t up. Duh

  3. My parents took us to all these places growing up in Las Vegas. Back then we were a free country and admission wasn’t required. They even want your $ to go see Red Rock! You also have Scottys Castle in that area.

  4. Awesome video! And you answered my biggest question about my upcoming trip . DoI need to pursue accommodations outside of Las Vegas? Now I know I can use Las Vegas as my hub. Thanks again.

  5. The west rim and the dam make a nice easy day trip and back in town for dinner. Valley of fire was really cool, it basically looks like god dropped off all the left over geology

  6. If you were to choose spending half day at Valley of Fire vs Grand canyon west rim , what would you choose and what would you score each place in terms of beauty? lol PS thank you for this amazing video!

  7. Last time I went to Vegas I only stayed in the casinos. They were fun and I thought the Venetian was amazing but who knew there were so many things to do outside as well. I'll be sure to hit some of these places the next time I get to go

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